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italveneta didattica s.r.l.

italveneta didattica has been operating on the plastic teaching aids market since 1978. during a period of over thirty years, the company has constantly improved its products, updated its technologies, increased its range and extended manufacturing to include new kinds of goods: sports equipment, large toys for recreational structures and craft items. today, the mix of artisan and technological skill also makes the extraordinary versatility italveneta didattica places at customers’ disposal possible. the company offers immediate availability of all products, a wide assortment, fast response and delivery, and is willing to develop new products and projects in association with customers. these are all important, distinctive features in a business relationship and, combined with quality and safety, really make a difference.

Premium Vip member 1 año
elementos creativos sl.

we design and produce educational materials that stimulate creativity in children. lekkid seeks for children, whatever their inherent talent may be, to develop their creative skills for innovative problem-solving.

Premium Vip member 1 año
#creativity #children #toys


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